18 August 2008
7-Month Iron Ore Production Data Released, mln mt
Jan-Jul 2005 % YoY
Iron ore and iron-ore concentrate production*
IGOK 7 922.1 -1.0%
SGOK 5 876.7 15.1%
KRST 4 896.9 -3.0%
PGOK 5 047.0 9.7%
YGOK 4 632.6 -1.9%
KRIO 3 709.0 -2.4%
CGOK 3 045.0 14.7%
ZIO 2 412.6 10.7%
SUBA 1 880.3 4.5%
Total 39 422.2 4.0%
* Crude ore for underground mines (ZIO, SUBA, KRIO), Concentrate for open-pit
MMKI 7 933.8 2.3%
KRST 5 618.0 -5.5%
ZPST 3 246.7 6.1%
DMK Dzerzhynskogo 2 795.3 2.4%
ALMK 2 796.5 -2.9%
YGOK 2 217.6 -1.0%
Yenakievo Metal 1 380.8 10.7%
AZST 1 221.1 7.2%
Total 27 209.8 0.8%
PGOK 4 813.8 11.1%
SGOK 4 452.6 13.1%
CGOK 1 226.8 1.1%
Total 10 493.2 10.7%
Concorde Capital: The growth rate for concentrate and agglomerate production was 2.5% lower YoY for 7M05, than during 1H05, due to a decrease in pig iron production by Ukrainian steel companies. Pellets showed high growth rates. The two largest Ukrainian pellets producers, PGOK and SGOK, are in the process of increasing their capacities. They are benefiting from the greater demand for the product, as it is higher quality than concentrate and agglomerate.