28 March 2008
At 11:30 this morning the Central Elections Commission (CEC) had finished tallying nearly 70% of the vote. Currently The Party of Regions (30%), The Yulia Tymoshenko Block (22.5%), Our Ukraine (15%), The Socialist Party (6%) and the Communist Party (3.5%) all look like they will easily make it over the 3% barrier to enter the Rada. The President is meeting with the heads of the top four parties today to discuss the formation of the government. Concorde Capital: We expect Regions and Tymoshenko’s positions to grow a bit stronger today as yesterday the majority of the votes recorded were from the western regions. We expect returns from Kyiv to buoy Tymoshenko at about 22-24% and the east to boost Regions to around 30-33%. We also think there is a chance the Nataliya Vitrenko Block will squeak over the barrier. Our Ukraine and the Socialist Party have agreed on the terms for signing coalition together. The Tymoshenko Block is pressing for a quick coalition agreement, as they realize the more time that passes the more time Regions has to work out a deal with Our Ukraine and somebody else. Regions has been using the TV circuit to push its “bury the hatchet” between east and west campaign.