In his first day attending the UN General Assembly on
Sept. 24, Ukrainian President Zelensky called for support from the
international community in returning Ukrainian territory by
political-diplomatic means, ceasing the warfare and establishing peace during a
dialogue at the Sustainable Development Goals conference, the
news site reported.
“No state can achieve sustainable development without
peace and a sense of security,” Zelensky said in his remarks. “Sustainable
development isn’t possible amid the sound of gunfire and explosions. It isn’t
possible where aggressive geopolitical strategies rule, applauding invasions of
other states and individual freedoms.”
Ukraine faces two main barriers on its development
path, Zelensky said. The first is what he characterized as Ukraine’s political
tradition opposing important reforms. “The new Ukrainian government will
certainly handle this,” he said. “The second barrier is far more complicated,
and we won’t overcome it without international support. That’s the war as a
result of Russian aggression against Ukraine.”