2 September 2008
Danish Trigon Agri (TAGR SS: N/R), holder of 144 ths ha of agricultural land in Russia and Ukraine, announced its 1H08 financial results: total revenue and fair value gains rose 3.1x yoy to EUR 20.1 mln (USD 29.3 mln); revenue and other income grew 4.5x yoy to EUR 6.7 mln (USD 9.8 mln). Trigon Agri’s EBITDA soared 30.8x to EUR 5.5 mln (USD 8.0 mln); net income amounted to EUR 4.5 mln (USD 6.6 mln) in 1H08, vs. EUR -0.09 mln (USD -0.13 mln) in 1H07.