Antonov, the largest aircraft producer in Ukraine, plans to produce 12 An-148 regional jets in 2012 vs 3 units this year, Antonov chief designer Andriy Kiva said on Dec. 24. Production will occur under the conditions set by previously signed contracts with Russia’s Ilyushin Finance. The An-148 aircrafts are equipped with two Motor Sich (MSICH UK) D-436-148 engines.
Roman Dmytrenko: Producing an engine set for an An-148 brings Motor Sich an estimated USD 4.5 mln in revenue, which implies the company could generate USD 54 mln in sales (6% of the company’s estimated revenue for 2013) from the planned production of An-148 in Ukraine. At the same time, we are concerned that Antonov’s ambitious production plans might not be implemented in full as the aircraft producer is permanently suffering from a lack of working capital.