25 July 2016
A Belgian MP from a rightist party has registered a resolution to cancel sanctions against the Russian Federation, reported the pravda.com.ua news site on July 24. The resolution asks the government to recommend to the EU that it drop its sanctions against Russia, arguing that they violate international law since only the UN Security Council can do so.
The resolution also states that the Russian government is not a party to the conflict, which is characterized as a civil war, and therefore can’t be held responsible for fulfilling the Minsk accords to remove its sanctions. It also states that the Minsk accords are being upheld so the Russian government fulfilled its obligation to convince the rebels to halt the conflict.
Zenon Zawada: The conflict between Ukraine and Russia is being fought at the political level far beyond Donbas. It’s obvious the Russians played a role in this text being drafted, judging by the way it was written and the points it raises. The Belgian legislature is the second to register such a resolution, following France. And we expect it won’t be the last.
This development bolsters our view that Russia is working hard on a plan to remove the sanctions through the European parliaments, which gives it less incentive to compromise in the Minsk accords, which is the other means it can remove sanctions. With enough success on this legislative front, the Russians can gain a frozen conflict instead of de facto Donbas autonomy, which we believe suits them almost as well. Both ultimately accomplish the same goal of preventing Ukraine’s Western integration.