25 October 2008
——————- ————- ——————- ——————-
Sales,USD mln EBITDA, USD mln Net Income, USD mln
9M07 yoy 9M07 yoy margin 9M07 yoy margin
——————- ————- ——————- ——————-
Dniproenergo DNEN 494.7 30% 55.50 16.71 11.2% 13.93 13.47 2.8%
Donbassenergo DOEN 201.7 14% 37.74 26.48 18.7% 21.31 32.30 10.6%
Zakhidenergo ZAEN 519.7 14% 29.64 1.53 5.7% 0.58 8.47 0.1%
——————- ————- ——————- ——————-
Source: State Statistics Committee
The yoy performance was positive for all GenCos. The third quarter usually is unprofitable due to low power output and additional costs for winter preparations. Over 3Q07, Dniproenergo posted -20.5% net margin, while Zakhidenergo -8.0% net margin. Donbasenergo’s results (net margin for 3Q07 of 21%) are due to a decrease in bad debt provisions by USD 20.2 mln (or 33% of 3Q07 sales).