The strong numbers in August followed a 17.6% yoy output increase in July. Due to declines earlier in the year, 8M06 coke output was down 1% yoy.
(in ths mt)
Company Jan-Aug 06 Chg yoy Aug-06 Chg yoy Jul-06 Chg yoy
Avdiyivka Coke (AVDK: BUY) 2,107 -14.1% 328 11.2% 276 3.8%
Alchevsk Coke (ALKZ: SELL) 1,781 1.0% 233 4.0% 227 0.9%
ZaporizhCoke (ZACO: Susp) 1,318 7.2% 163 5.8% 169 15.8%
Yasynivsky Coke (YASK: HOLD) 939 6.7% 136 78.9% 126 61.5%
Bagkiy Coke (BKOK: SELL) 538 -7.2% 65 10.2% 73 32.7%
Donetsk Coke (DKOK: HOLD) 459 -35.8% 40 -45.9% 51 -26.1%
Total Ukraine 12,585 -1.0% 1,655 13.4% 1,660 17.6%