29 January 2009
According to the President of Bogdan Corporation Oleg Svinarchuk, Bogdan Automobile Plant (LUAZ) increased output in 2008 to UAH 8.0 bln (USD 1.0 bln) in monetary terms, up 93.5% yoy. Related Cherkasy Bus also raised its production to UAH 676 mln (USD 88 mln), up 38.5% yoy. In total, the corporation made 88.3 ths automobiles (up 63.4% yoy) and 3.8 ths busses (up 16.1% yoy). Svinarchuk also spoke of the corporation’s 2009 plans. According to him, Bogdan will begin assembling busses in Nizhny Novgorod (Russia) by July. Svinarchuk also said the company planned to load its production capacities 60-70% in the coming year.