Yesterday the list of Ukrainian enterprises approved for privatization by the Cabinet of Ministers in 2009 became public. The list, 228 companies in total, includes: Ukrtelecom (UTEL), 67.79% stake; Odesa Portside Plant, 99.57% stake; Turboatom (TATM), 75.22% stake; Dniproenergo (DNEN), 60% stake; Donbasenergo (DOEN), 60% stake; Zakhidenergo (ZAEN), 60% stake; Centrenergo (CEEN), 60% stake; Poltavaoblenergo (POON), 25%+1 stake; Lvivoblenergo (LVON), 26.98% stake; Odesaoblenergo (ODEN), 25.01% stake; Sumyoblenergo (SOEN), 25%+1 stake; Chernihivoblenergo (CHEON), 25%+1 stake; and Prykarpatoblenergo (PREN), 25.02% stake. Alexander Paraschiy: All the listed names were on the privatization list of 2008, though their privatization went unrealized due to disagreements over distribution of proceeds between the president and prime minister. Two factors could jumpstart the government’s privatization plans in 2009: a change in the balance of power in Ukraine to the benefit of the prime minister; or consolidation of all political forces around the idea that privatization proceeds are they key to solving the budget deficit during the economic crisis.