26 July 2011
Another three GenCos reported financials since market close yesterday: Centrenergo (UX: CEEN UK), Donbasenergo (UX: DOEN UK), Zakhidenergo (UX: ZAEN UK) (see table below).
GenCo 1H11 financial results summary
Revenue 393.9 519.1 221.3 454.1
y-o-y 16% 56% 28% 66%
EBITDA 35.0 79.7 8.8 45.4
Margin 9% 15% 4% 10%
y-o-y 4 pp 2 pp 4 pp 9 pp
Net Income 17.3 41.7 0.2 34.0
margin 4% 8% 0% 7%
Source: State Securities & Exchange Commission
Yegor Samusenko: Reflecting the hike in the electricity selling price for all GenCos in 2Q11, sector margins improved significantly, reaching 4%-15% in 1H11 from -8%-9% in 1Q11. Though we deem this electricity price hike rather short-term (as in 2Q10) and see whole-year figures being more moderate, we note that margins being posted are 2 pp-9 pp above those earned in 1H10, reflecting that the entire sector’s profitability improved. Among the GenCos, we note Zakhidenergo reported an unexpectedly strong EBITDA margin of 10%, which put the company in second place in terms of profitability in the sector. We expect a positive market reaction in the liquid names, Centrenergo and Donbasenergo.