30 October 2008
At today’s EGM, Centrenergo (CEEN) shareholders decided to increase the company’s dividend payout from 15% of 2007 net income (as decided at the April 3 AGM) to 40%. Other conditions of the dividend payout remain unchanged (ex-dividend date is May 1, 2008; deadline for dividend payment is Dec. 31, 2008). This implies a total dividend payout at UAH 25.4 mln, or UAH 0.069 per share. Dividend yield as of the ex-dividend date (May 1, 2008) is 0.34%. Alexander Paraschiy: The decision to increase the dividend payout was explained by the need for the company to comply with a government May 7 decree that state-controlled fuel and energy companies pay 40% of 2007 net income as dividends. Still, the agendas of Zakhidenergo’s EGM this week and Donbasenergo’s next week do not include the issue of increasing dividends.