25 August 2008
Dniprovsky Pipe (DTRZ: BUY) ranks 4th in Ukraine in design capacity (583 ths mt of pipes annually) and 5th by output (8.1% share in 2004). Most steel feedstocks (strip for welded pipes and billets for seamless pipes) are purchased from domestic suppliers (strip from Zaporizhstal and MMK Illich Metal, tubular billets from DMK Dzerzhynskogo and DMK Petrovskogo). Concorde Capital: The company has less exposure to the OCTG segment than its peers (NITR: BUY), (NVTR: BUY) and (HRTR: SELL). Therefore, its pipes are relatively cheaper and markets are more diversified industry-wise. DTRZ caters to the construction industry, agriculture and utilities (boiler, water & gas pipes), machine building and the petrochemical industry. Although also export-driven, it sells a larger portion of its pipes domestically than NITR, HRTR and NVTR.