1 February 2012
EK (DTEKUA) reported a 19% yoy increase in coal mining in 2011 to 22.9 mmt, and 7% yoy growth in electricity production to 33.0 TWh in an operations update released yesterday. Growth in mining output was attributed mainly to the consolidation of the Dobropolyeugol mine in 2011, while the power production figures are organic and include only Vostokenergo and Dniproenergo. The company also reported 6% yoy growth in power purchases from the wholesale market for local market resale to 14.0 TWh and 4.2x yoy growth in power export to 5.1 TWh.
Key DTEK operating data
2011 reported 2011E consolidated*
units yoy units yoy % of Ukraine
Steam coal mining, mmt 22.9 19% 35.0 82% 61%
Electricity production, TWh 33.0 7% 55.3 80% 29%
* Including new acquisitions in Dec. 2011 – Jan. 2012 (Zakhidenergo, Kyivenergo, Sverdlovantracit, Rovenkiantracit)
Source: DTEK, Concorde Capital estimates
Alexander Paraschiy: DTEK’s 2011 operating results do not tell the truth about the holding’s size as over the last two months DTEK has increased its business by more than 50% in both its coal and electricity segments. In December 2011 – January 2012 alone, the company consolidated controlling stakes in electricity generator Zakhidenergo (ZAEN UK), integrated utility Kyivenergo (KIEN UK) and electricity distributor Donetskonlenergo (DOON UK), and assumed operating control over the two largest state mines, Rovenkiantracit and Sverdlovantracit. With these new assets likely to be consolidated in 2012, the holding is set show a 1.6–2.0x increase in electricity output, electricity distribution and coal production in 2012.