The thermal power plants of DTEK Energy (DTEKUA) generated 10.1 TWh of electricity in 3Q17, Concorde Capital estimated based on data provided by Energobiznes and Interfax-Ukraine. This is 39% higher qoq and 4% less yoy. DTEK’s share of electricity generated from scarce anthracitic coal amounted to 13% in the quarter, based on Concorde estimates, a decline from 29% a year ago but more than 9% in the second quarter. Recall, DTEK lost control over all its anthracite-producing Ukrainian mines in March 2017 and now has to import anthracite. At the same time, it remains nearly self-sufficient in hard steam coal, which is now the key fuel for its power plants.
The average achieved price of electricity supplied by DTEK’s power plants was UAH 1.41 / kWh, based on Concorde estimates on available production and price data. This is 23% more yoy but 11% less qoq.
In 9M17, DTEK’s thermal power plants generated 26.3 TWh of electricity, or 2% less yoy. Their average achieved electricity price was UAH 1.51/kWh in 9M17, or 41% more yoy.
Alexander Paraschiy: The above estimates allow us to expect EBITDA of DTEK’s integrated coal and electricity business for 3Q17 at UAH 3.9-4.1 bln. Based on these conclusions, we upgrade our forecast of DTEK Energy’s 2017 EBITDA to UAH 17.7-18.0 bln (from UAH 14.0 bln), which will be nearly flat yoy in U.S. dollar terms. We maintain our bullish view on DTEKUA Eurobonds.