15 June 2008
This morning Ferrexpo Plc (FXPO LN) announced the offering price of 140 pence per share, implying an MCap of USD 1.671 bln at placement. Vladimir Nesterenko: The recent court ruling challenging the legality of Ferrexpo’s purchase of a 40.2% stake in its core underlying asset, Poltava Iron Ore (PGOK: U/R), did not depress investor’s attitudes much as the offering price is skewed toward the upper bound of the USD 1.4-1.8 bln valuation range mentioned in the earlier news. More importantly, the offering price implies that Poltava Iron Ore currently trades at a 9% discount to Ferrexpo. Given that the IPO most probably targets transferring value off-shore while keeping major risks locally, Poltava Iron Ore is likely to remain a non-transparent company, serving as a cost center for the group. The IPO is also likely to challenge the liquidity of the competing local stock (PGOK). We believe Poltava Iron Ore deserves a much larger discount and take a bearish view on the stock; however there might still be room for a short-term appreciation on the back of speculative demand.