15 November 2008
According to the State Statistics Committee, Ukraine’s foreign trade deficit in goods was USD 6.69 bln in 9M07 (down 56.6% YTD). Export of goods reached USD 36.7 bln (up 27.6% YTD) and imports totaled USD 42.3 bln (up 31.5% YTD). The main export drivers were metals (up 34.3% yoy), transportation (up 5.6% yoy), oil & gas products (up 5.9% yoy), and agriculture (up 2.1% yoy). Import drivers were oil & gas (up 27.6% yoy) and transportation (up 12.5% yoy). Our yearend forecast for the merchandise trade deficit is USD 8.56 bln, overall trade deficit – USD 5.56 bln.