12 October 2016
Holding local elections in the war-torn Donbas region of Ukraine is the key condition to resolving the conflict, French President Francois Hollande told the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe at its Oct. 11 session. In response to questions, Hollande said the elections could occur without the Ukrainian government restoring control over the border with Russia in the occupied territory, contradicting the Ukrainian government’s position. Control can be restored after the vote, he said.
At the same time, Hollande said the elections can only be held in conditions of a cease-fire, the removal of weapons and the disarmament of soldiers, in agreement with the Ukrainian position. Hollande said he is working with German Chancellor Angela Merkel to organize the elections. In response to a question asking whether Donbas could become a frozen conflict, Hollande said it’s a realistic outcome. The Minsk Accords “need to be fully implemented, otherwise we will have yet another frozen conflict,” he said.
In response, Interior Minister Arsen Avakov referred to Hollande’s position on restoring Ukrainian control of the border as “offensive.” “In conceding Ukraine to Putin, you will lose Europe and you will lose your own freedom,” Avakov wrote on his blog.
Zenon Zawada: The European leadership is desperate to make the Minsk Accords work in being willing to make this concession. However, we believe the Ukrainians need not work. As proven by the events of the last two weeks – during which careful plans for mutual withdrawal were undermined by the Russian-backed forces – it’s hard to foresee any realistic cease-fire, disarmament, or arms removal ahead of the elections.
Yet even if these attempts are successful, we don’t expect the Ukrainian public to support elections without restoring control of the border. Paramilitaries have already threatened violent resistance. So we agree with Hollande’s assessment that a frozen conflict is an entirely realistic outcome, which suits the Russians just fine as they work in Western legislatures and government offices to remove the sanctions imposed against them. It’s our position that the Russians never intended for the Minsk Accords to succeed and we are seeing this aim being played out.