22 February 2012
Kryukiv Wagon (KVBZ UK) will supply 40 passenger railcars to Kazakhstan by May 2012, the company’s chairman said yesterday (via Interfax). The contract with Kazakhstan was initially announced back in January, but the volume and timing was not disclosed at that time. The order size exceeds Kryukiv’s annual passenger wagon production volume for the last four years.
Roman Dmytrenko: While the Kazakh order accounts for only 4% of Kryukiv’s 2012 revenue (or USD 32 mln), it indicates that Kazakhstan is beginning to replace its aging passenger railcar fleet. We expect Kazakhstan to order about 40 passenger wagons p.a. over the next couple of years, which will more than compensate for an expected decline in orders from Ukrainian and Belarusian railways, Kryukiv’s only passenger wagon buyers in the last decade.