23 November 2008
Kyiv City Administration Financial Head Viktor Padalk said yesterday that the capital plans to issue an add-in to its USD 250 mln Eurobonds maturing by April 2008. Meanwhile, the Kharkiv City Council approved plans to become the second Ukrainian city to release Eurobonds with a USD 100 mln issue (Moody’s: B1; Fitch: B+). Kharkiv capped the maturity at five years and annual interest rate at 9.5%. Oleksandr Klymchuk: The proceeds from Kyiv’s add-in, which we expect in USD 150-250 mln range, are likely to be used to redeem USD 150 mln Eurobond issue maturing in August 2008. It looks like the Municipal Eurobond segment will extend notably over the next six months as all three largest Ukrainian cities are going to tap international markets. The city of Odesa (population of 1 mln; Fitch: B+) is also looking at a USD 70 mln volume five-year issue with up to 9.5% coupon.