7 August 2008
————- ———— ———————— ————————
Power output Sales EBITDA Net Income
TWh yoy,chg USD,mln yoy USD,mln yoy,chg margin USD,mln yoy,chg margin
————- ———— ———————— ————————
2.53 -12% 456.2 47% 1.37 -12.26% 0.30% -11.36 -11.64% -2%
————- ———— ———————— ————————
Alexander Paraschiy: The key reason for the reduction in Kyivenergo’s profits was the tariff for heat production (set by the Kyiv city council), which does not cover production costs. According to the law “On Prices and Pricing,” if the local authorities set tariffs for some service below “an economically justifiable level,” it has to compensate the difference to the service supplier from its own budget. We believe in the end of 2007 the Kyiv authorities will compensate Kyivenergo’s losses from heat production.