26 October 2017
Many theories are surfacing surrounding the Oct. 25 explosion that seriously injured Radical Party MP Ihor Mosiychuk and two others, also killing two. Radical Party Head Oleh Liashko accused former Ukrainian Presidential Administration Head Serhiy Lyovochkin of being involved, after blaming the attack on Russian special services. Mosiychuk initiated a criminal case against Lyovochkin, Liashko said. A Prosecutor General’s Office official said it’s possible that Mosiychuk wasn’t the target of the bomb, though Liashko said he is confident that he was the target. Mosiychuk remained in serious condition this morning after being operated on for several hours.
A Russian-oriented Ukrainian news site, vesti-ukr.com, published an article speculating that the bombing was the result of an intensifying conflict between the Poroshenko Bloc and the People’s Front party led by former PM Yatsenyuk and Interior Minister Arsen Avakov. Meanwhile, Russian Presidential Administration spokesman Dmitry Peskov dismissed Mosychuk’s claims of Russian involvement as “the latest emergence of Russophobia that has swept Ukraine.” Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov denied any responsibility after a Radical Party MP indicated possible involvement of Chechens.
Zenon Zawada: It’s common for Ukrainian law enforcement authorities to never solve the cases, or even prosecute those involved in the alleged murders and assassination plots of high-profile officials. That was demonstrated with the murder of journalist Georgiy Gongadze and poisoning of former President Viktor Yushchenko. So an official version for reason behind this bombing may take months to emerge, if not years or possibly never at all.
What’s worth noting is the abuse of the political tactic of blaming any negative event on Russia, without the evidence being available. Russia is also being blamed for the tent city protest outside Ukraine’s parliament, which has reached its 11th day with demonstrations planned for this weekend. This situation is reminiscent of the boy who cried wolf. The public is already beginning to doubt that Russia is to blame for everything.