25 March 2008
Naftogaz of Ukraine posted its 2007 non-consolidated financials. The company’s Revenue decreased 22%, to USD 3,421 mln, EBITDA decreased slightly, by 2.4% to USD 659 mln. Net Income climbed by 46% to USD 619.5 mln, mainly on the back of lower corporate tax, USD 68 mln, or 9.9% effective rate vs. 16.1% last year.
Income Statement Summary
2006 2007
Net Revenues 4,400 3,421
Change yoy -22.2%
Gross Profit 492 785
Gross margin 11.2% 22.9%
EBITDA 676 659
Change yoy -2.4%
EBITDA margin 15.4% 19.3%
Depreciation (3) (3)
EBIT 673 656
EBIT margin 15.3% 19.2%
Interest Expense (156) (201)
Other Inc/(Exp) 366 232
PBT 883 688
Net Income 424 619
Change yoy 46.2%
Net Margin 9.6% 18.1%
Balance Sheet Summary
2006 2007
Current Assets 3,435 3,050
Cash & Equivalents 109 82
Fixed Assets 5,158 5,908
Total Assets 8,593 8,958
Shareholders’ Equity 2,276 3,663
Current Liabilities 4,025 2,976
ST Interest Bearing Debt 360 147
LT Liabilities 2,292 2,319
LT Interest Bearing Debt 1,891 2,042
Total Liabilities & Equity 8,593 8,958
2006 2007
Leverage 2.78 1.45
Debt/Equity 0.99 0.60
LT/Total Debt 0.84 0.93
Debt/EBITDA 3.33 3.32
EBITDA/Interest Exp. 4.33 3.29
Current Ratio 0.85 0.98