24 October 2008
Most Oblenergos have increased their EBITDA yoy due to increase of their distribution and supply tariffs over 2007. The only exceptions were two private Oblenergos (ZHEN and SMEN) where tariffs were upgraded slowly, and Zaporizhiaoblenergo (ZAON), one of the least efficient companies in the sector.
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Sales, USD mln EBITDA, USD mln Net Income, USD mln
9M07 yoy 9M07 yoy mgn 9M07 YoY mgn
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Cherkasyoblenergo CHEN 69.4 14% 10.08 2.48 14.5% 5.23 3.23 7.5%
Chernihivoblenergo CHEON 61.4 16% 5.61 0.59 9.1% 1.33 1.30 2.2%
Khmelnitskoblenergo HMON 63.6 25% 6.14 0.41 9.7% 1.37 -0.04 2.1%
Krymenergo KREN 155.4 28% 13.01 4.36 8.4% 1.49 0.44 1.0%
Mykolaivoblenergo MYON 79.2 33% 1.64 3.71 2.1% -0.08 3.49 -0.1%
Poltavaoblenergo POON 142.7 21% 19.48 2.90 13.7% 7.34 6.21 5.1%
Sevastopolenergo SMEN 39.1 31% 5.65 -0.22 14.4% 2.68 -0.65 6.9%
Vinnitsaoblenergo VIEN 67.9 21% 3.90 0.44 5.7% 0.89 0.47 1.3%
Volynoblenergo VOEN 43.2 27% 2.99 0.36 6.9% 0.67 0.09 1.5%
Zakarpatoblenergo ZOEN 55.1 23% 2.80 0.15 5.1% 0.51 0.15 0.9%
Zaporizhiaoblenergo ZAON 408.5 23% 6.95 -6.47 1.7% 3.23 0.36 0.8%
Zhytomiroblenergo ZHEN 74.4 19% 5.95 -3.20 8.0% -4.22 -7.74 -5.7%
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