19 April 2008
The leaders of the Yulia Tymoshenko and Our Ukraine Blocs announced yesterday that all of the deputies in their factions would turn over their Parliamentary mandates and leave the Rada in order to force new elections. According to the parties, their departure would make it impossible for the Rada to obtain the 2/3 composition required to reach quorum. In addition, Yulia Tymoshenko called for supporters of both parties to take to the streets this Friday evening, to show the world that the current protests happening in Kyiv are nothing more than paid-for demonstrations by the coalition. Nick Piazza: Legally speaking, it’s not clear if the opposition’s move will actually force new elections, as MPs are required to get approval from the Rada for their mandate can be removed, however, this definitely strengthens the President’s call for new elections. The Constitutional Court’s ruling aside, the way things are going, new elections later this summer look like the only way out of the current political deadlock.