A bill sponsored by a Ukrainian parliamentary
committee to restrict anti-Ukrainian propaganda – sponsored by the Russian
government and its mass media allies – has drawn sharp criticism from the OSCE
for excessively restricting Internet access to the public. “While I share the
national security concerns of Ukraine, the draft bill should entail specific
and clear measures aimed at protecting the principles of transparency,
proportionality and necessity, and avoid the application of overly broad and
excessive measures affecting the dissemination of online content in Ukraine,”
said Harlem Desir, the OSCE representative on freedom of the media, in a
statement published on its website. “The draft law also lacks provisions
ensuring effective judicial oversight and due process regarding decisions on
blocking of access to services.”
On July, Ukraine’s national security and defense
committee announced that its recommends the approval of legislation that is
targeted at blocking anti-Ukrainian, pro-Russian websites from the public. Yet
MPs from the parliamentary committee on free speech criticized the bill for
overextending its appropriate reach, possibly restricting basic monitoring
functions of civil society and picket-style demonstrations, the pravda.com.ua
news site reported. The head of the National Union of Journalists referred to
the bill as “dictator-like.”
Zenon Zawada: This is yet
the latest example of the difficulty Ukraine faces in fighting a long-term,
hybrid war with Russia while at the same time trying to engage in Western
integration and maintain Western institutions, including freedom of speech and
freedom of the press. For as long as Ukraine is dependent on the West for its
fight, it must uphold the principles and demands of the West, even if they work
to its detriment.
At the same time, another danger has surfaced of the
Poroshenko administration, and its allies, using the pretext of fighting the
war to enhance its authoritarian powers, as was alleged with the Donbas
reintegration legislation. This enhanced authority could be used to affect the
outcome of the 2019 elections, particularly the presidential vote in March.
With these elections coming up, we expect enough
MPs will pressure the bill’s authors (led by MPs of the People’s Front party in
the coalition government) to reduce the restrictions in the text, if it is
passed at all. It makes no sense for MPs to approve legislation that will harm
them during the elections.