18 October 2008
Our Ukraine, the pro-western, center-right party that counts President Yushchenko as its honorary leader, announced in parliament yesterday that it had joined the opposition, reiterating an announcement it made two weeks ago. The party’s MP faction leader, Roman Bezsmertny, said four ministers from Our Ukraine would resign from the Cabinet. No date has been set for the ministers resignations, and the ministers made no comment. Tom Warner: This must be the fourth time Our Ukraine has announced the impending resignation of its ministers. The reason for this strange behavior is that Our Ukraine’s annual party congress is coming up on Saturday, and rank and file members who strongly oppose Yushchenko’s alliance with the Regions party are hoping to sack party leaders who until this month supported the alliance. The battle for control of Our Ukraine appears to be heading towards a split, as most liberals and nationalists are eager to form a new center-right opposition bloc while many centrists would prefer to join the governing coalition. The result is likely to be a very slight Cabinet change, with Yushchenko and his allies perhaps giving up one or two minor ministries, and perhaps some of the more right-wing ministers such as Roman Zvarych, justice minister, and Boris Tarasyuk, foreign minister, giving their seats to other, more centrist Yushchenko allies.