
Presidential approval ratings nudge upward

Presidential approval ratings nudge upward

10 September 2012

President Viktor Yanukovych’s job approval is slightly improving, according to opinion poll results released on Friday by the Razumkov Center. The number of Ukrainians that “fully support” the president increased from 7.3% in December 2011 to 12.6% in August 2012, those that “support certain actions” was also up from 27.9% to 34.3% in the same period, while the people that “do not support” the president dropped from 59.4% to 47.4%. At the same time, Ukrainians also felt the direction of the country was developing more positively compared to December 2011.

Razumkov Center opinion poll results

Presidential support  Dec.2011  Aug.2012     Chg
Fully support                 7.3%      12.6%      +5.3pp
Support certain actions  27.9%     34.3%      +6.4pp
Do not support              59.4%     47.4%      -12.0pp
Undecided                     5.5%      5.7%        +0.2pp
Direction of the country
Positive                       11.7%     19.7%       +8.0pp
Negative                     67.3%     57.6%        -9.7pp
Note: 2,009 respondents questioned from August 10-15. Margin of error ±2.3%.
Source: Razumkov Center


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