15 April 2010
United Engine Corporation (Russia) Executive Director Vasiliy Lapotko said yesterday at a trade show in Moscow that his company plans to begin the production of helicopter engines in Russia, Interfax reported. Lapotko said he expects government orders and other preparatory work to be completed in May, with engine production to begin in 2013-2014. Lapotko said UEC was planning to make TV3-117 and VK-2500 engines, which are currently produced by Ukraine’s Motor Sich (UX: MSICH UK). Yegor Samusenko: This is not the first declaration by Russian officials and businessmen about assembling helicopter engines on Russian territory over the years. After many claims, no project has yet been realized. We are skeptical that United Engine Corporation’s ability to make its helicopter engine plant by 2014. Currently, Motor Sich supplies almost all helicopter engines to Russia.