22 February 2008
The Yulia Tymoshenko Block has signed and sent a coalition agreement to Our Ukraine and the Socialist parties. According to media reports the agreement demands the nullification of the gas agreement with Russia and suggests that the party that wins the most seats in the Rada chose the prime minister. Tymoshenko did not send her copy of the agreement to the Pora-Reform & Order block, reportedly angering the party, which later came out with its own coalition agreement. However, Pora- Reform & Order said it expects an agreement to be signed by all the former “people’s power” coalition members within the next 24 hours. Concorde Capital: Former Justice Minister and Our Ukraine party member Roman Zvarych, said that his party had received the Tymoshenko document and had suggested some amendments – almost certainly the removal of the clause on the gas agreement. Zvarych added that he hoped the document would be signed this week. Some media reports have suggested that these meetings between the former ‘orange’ coalition members were set up simply to find excuses to break off talks and join with the Party of Regions however, the optimism expressed by all sides suggests the opposite.