12 September 2016
The Ukrainian government declared on Sept. 10 that the Russian parliamentary elections scheduled for Sept. 18 are illegitimate because they include mandates for Crimea. “If the Russian elections involve a federal district that includes Crimea, in violation of international law and the laws of Ukraine, then I believe that such elections are illegitimate, and therefore worthless legally and politically,” said on Sept. 10 Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin, as reported by the eurointegration.com.ua news site.
The same day, the Ukrainian government sent the Russian government a diplomatic note explaining Ukraine’s position and requesting that no polling stations be opened on Ukrainian territory, including consulates. These are the first Russian parliamentary elections involving Crimea, which is being planned to be represented by four elected officials in the State Duma. In late August, the Ukrainian government called on Crimea residents not to participate in the vote.
Zenon Zawada: It’s being speculated by political and military experts that the Russian government will plan a military provocation in Ukraine this week to drum up public support for the government and voter turnout in the elections. We believe that’s something worth monitoring.
Even if voter turnout in Crimea is weak, we expect the Russian government will arrange the books to make it look strong. We won’t know the truth since international observers won’t be on the ground.