12 April 2018
For the first time since the Revolution of Dignity,
Ukraine’s Freedom in the World rating has dropped. Freedom House (FH)
released its 2018 rankings on April 11. The Freedom in the World global ranking
has been FH’s primary indicator of civil liberties and political freedom on a
country-by-country basis since 1973.
Ukraine’s overall ranking dropped from 4.1 to 4.64 (7
is lowest). Two subratings dropped in particular: the civil society rating,
from 2.50 to 2.75, and media independence from 4.00 to 4.25. Ukraine remains in
the Partly Free category.
Freedom House pointed to corruption and media
influence as issues that still face the country, along with the enforcement of
current reform-oriented legislation. However, FH did note the progress made in
education and health care legislation in particular.
James Hydzik: There are no surprises in the Freedom House Ranking. At the same
issues that have run through the report in former years are still present.
However, Freedom House’s analysis produces an inconsistency. Reduced Russian
meddling in Ukrainian politics is praised, but reduced Russian meddling in
media is not. Given Freedom House’s overall praise of a free press, there is
little room for them to square this circle.