18 December 2018
The Ukrainian government is not going reinstate Roman
Nasirov as head of Ukraine’s State Fiscal Service, President Petro Poroshenko
told a Dec. 16 press conference in Kyiv. Ukraine’s cabinet has appealed the
Dec. 11 court ruling reinstating Nasirov and won’t reinstate him, “as far as
I’m informed,” he said. “I took into account the government’s position,” he
said, adding that he hopes the appeals court will “carefully learn all the
conditions and reaches a legal ruling.” The judge that reached the ruling “is
not a representative of a reformed court and has not undergone the necessary
evaluation,” he added.
Zenon Zawada: The president makes clear in these remarks that he doesn’t share the
cabinet’s position of being against Nasirov’s return. And he also confirmed
that it won’t be the government reinstating Nasriov, but an appellate court. So
we believe Poroshneko hasn’t given up in what we believe is likely a deliberate
attempt to get Nasirov reinstated. Nonetheless, it’s possible that Poroshenko
will drop this attempt if pressure mounts to avoid his reinstatement,
particularly from Western structures.