16 September 2011
Ukraine imported 2 bln m3 of Central Asian gas at USD 280 per ths m3 in 2Q11, versus none in 1Q11, the State Statistic Committee reported yesterday. Imports from Russia in 2Q11 amounted to 9.4 bln m3 at USD 299 per ths m3. Antonina Davydenko: The import statistics are potentially positive for Stirol (UX: STIR UK, BUY) whose margins could benefit from cheaper Central Asian gas. In April, Stirol’s primary beneficiary Dmytro Firtash said he was planning to buy Central Asian gas through his Ostchem Holding, but did not disclose prices nor volumes.
Natural gas imports to Ukraine in 7M11
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Exporter 1Q11 2Q11 July 2011
volume value avg. price volume value avg. price volume
tcm USD ths USD per tcm tcm USD ths USD per tcm ths m3
———— ——————————– ——————————– ———
Russia 17,918,900 4,716,458 263 9,436,644 2,817,030 299 1,355,744
Kazakhstan – – – 488,986 136,916 280 150,856
Turkmenistan – – – 487,417 136,477 280 181,106
Uzbekistan – – – 519,933 145,581 280 184,389
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Source: Interfax