16 May 2016
The U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee has earmarked up to USD 500 mln in the 2017 U.S. national defense budget for “security assistance” to Ukraine, including “lethal assistance,” Committee Chair U.S. Senator John McCain said in a May 13 reported published on his official web site. “The bill restricts half of these funds until the Defense Secretary certifies that Ukraine has taken substantial action to make defense institutional reforms to fight corruption, increase accountability and sustain capacities developed by security assistance efforts,” the report said.
Zenon Zawada: The availability of these potential funds is important, as well as Ukraine having as its ally someone as influential as Senator McCain. Yet whether these funds will be used remains unclear. The U.S. Congress was ready to offer defensive military aid in 2015, which was restricted by U.S. President Barack Obama. The two presidential finalists are also prone to restricting arms from Ukraine. Moreover, the 2017 funds will be dependent on anti-corruption efforts, which aren’t impressive so far.