15 April 2013
Ukraine’s opposition accused the administration of President Viktor Yanukovych this weekend of continuing to intimidate the opposition by illegal means. Two activists were arrested at the end of last week for staging protests at Yanukovych’s residence, which Fatherland Party Chair Arseniy Yatsenyuk deemed an attempt to scare citizens from protesting. Meanwhile, authorities in Kharkiv and Poltava parked buses and trams to block protest marches held by Ukraine’s three leading opposition parties on Friday and Saturday, respectively. In Kharkiv, authorities gained a court ruling forbidding the demonstration and the latest green antiseptic dunking attack was attempted against Serhiy Vlasenko, who was tossed from parliament last month. In Kyiv, a complaint was filed last week to deprive another opposition MP, Yuriy Odarchenko, of his mandate because of his alleged business activity.