11 March 2021
The U.S. government is “very focused on supporting
Ukraine”, Secretary of State Antony Blinken told the House Foreign Affairs
Committee on March 10. Media source unian.com reports that Blinken pointed to
the Biden administration’s interest in supporting Ukraine’s democracy and its
struggles against corruption and foreign aggression.
Blinken also restated the American position that
Crimea and Donbas are parts of Ukraine and criticized Russia for its failure to
meet its Minsk Agreement responsibilities.
James Hydzik: Blinken’s remarks on Ukraine fit the expected change in tone from
Washington, given the experience gained under the Obama administration during
and after Maidan. We expect the administration to continue to support Ukraine,
while at the same time not giving the Ukrainian government much of a break when
it comes to corruption, the lack of reform, or half-measures in the directions
Washington expects to see.