20 January 2010
Ukraine’s three major ferroalloy producers reported yesterday that production dropped 25% yoy in 2009. Declines were seen in all products, though Stakhaniv (SFER) and Zaporizhya Ferroalloy (ZFER) increased production of ferrosilicon and manganese by 35% and 76%, respectively.
Company, ths mt 2008 2009 Chg,%
Nikopol Ferroalloy (NFER) 813.4 659.7 -19
silicomanganese 555.7 582.9 +5
ferromanganese 257.7 76.8 -71
Stakhaniv Ferroalloy (SFER) 193.3 154.8 -20
Ferrosilicon 81.9 111.0 +35
silicomanganese 97.3 43.8 -55
ferromanganese 13.8 0 -100
Zaporizhya Ferroalloy (ZFER) 379.8 222.2 -42
Ferrosilicon 58.0 39.3 -32
silicomanganese 225.4 115.2 -49
ferromanganese 88.0 52.6 -40
manganese 8.6 15.1 +76
Total -25