24 January 2012
Ukrtelecom (UTLM UK) increased its DSL customer base 18% yoy (by 209,000 users) to 1.34 mln users at the end of 2011, the company said yesterday.
Ukrtelecom DSL statistics, end of year
Customers,ths yoy,% yoy,ths
2008 513 150% 308
2009 843 64% 330
2010 1,134 35% 291
2011 1,343 18% 209
Source: Company data
Alexander Paraschiy: Ukrtelecom remains a leader in Ukraine’s DSL market, preserving its ~40% market share. Toughening competition has led to an increase in subscriber acquisition costs: Ukrtelecom now gives out free DSL modems and up to 30% discounts on monthly fees. Though DSL is the company’s main profit driver now, we expect that profitability in the segment will be heavily affected by increasing competition in the mid-term.