14 March 2008
The bills were adopted by the Rada on October 4 2005, later the President returned them to the Rada for revision, and in January the bills were again adopted by over 2/3 of the parliament. Thus, Odessa Portside and Zarya Mashproekt have been included on the list of companies, not eligible for privatization. Concorde Capital: Zarya Mashproekt makes gas turbines and aggregates for ship-building and gas pipelines. Odessa Portside is located at Yuzhnyy port, at the end of the Togliatty-Yuzhnyy ammonia pipeline, and is Ukraine’s monopolist on services for storage, cooling and transshipment of ammonia. In the course of preparation for privatization the government could not agree on how to separate the pipeline, which according to Ukrainian law can not be privatized, from the company’s production facilities.