22 March 2019
Comedian and actor Volodymyr Zelenskiy offered more
hints to the public in recent days that he will consider offering concessions
to Russia in exchange for ceasing the warfare in Donbas. Such concessions could
be “the cultural-linguistic peculiarities of these regions,” Zelenskiy said in
an interview with the nv.ua news site published on Mar. 21. Besides involving
the U.S. and the U.K. in the peace talks, Zelenskiy said in the same interview
that bilateral talks directly with Russia will possibly be needed “if we,
together with our allies and partners, determine it to be necessary.” Zelenskiy
identified his top three priorities as “ceasing military actions in Donbas,”
fighting corruption and repairing roads. “I would want to do everything for the
shooting to stop in eastern Ukraine and for our people not to die any longer,”
he said.
Zenon Zawada: As Election Day
draws nearer, Zelenskiy is sliding further down what is essentially a slippery
slope towards compromise/capitulation on Donbas. The proposal for a
“cultural-linguistic” concession is rather moot since it has been a subject in
peace talks – and included in the Minsk Accords – from the very start. The
greater goal of that comment is to open the Overton window wider on what the
acceptable political discourse could be on the Donbas warfare, making
discussions on concessions more commonplace. He is helping the Kremlin, in that
In his emotionally charged
rhetoric on “doing everything for the shooting to stop,” on concessions (which
are nothing new), and on direct bilateral talks with Russia (also not new, since
Poroshenko has spoken with Putin by telephone and has sought direct formal
talks), Zelenskiy is creating the impression among the public of a clear
alternative to President Poroshenko, who represents for many Ukrainians ongoing
warfare amid plummeting socio-economic conditions and humiliating military
scandals. This rhetoric is also enabling Zelenskiy to solidify his electoral
base of southeastern Ukrainians, making him very likely to qualify for the
second-round runoff.