18 September 2008
Ferroalloys output increased 48% yoy in August, up from July’s 32% yoy gain. Nikopol Ferroalloy (NFER: Susp) again saw the fastest increase, followed by Zaporizhya Ferroalloy (ZFER: BUY), which remained the growth leader ytd. Total output was up 2.2% yoy in 8M06, as the recent gains overcame a drop in output in 1Q06. Eugene Cherviachenko: The interim dynamics are in line with our 2006 forecasts for ZFER. We expect Stakhanov Ferroalloy (SFER: BUY) to catch up thanks to the awakening domestic steel market. We leave our production forecasts and our target prices for ZFER and SFER unchanged.
Jan-Aug chg August chg July chg
ths mt yoy ths mt yoy ths mt yoy
Nikopol 566 2% 81 60% 75 37%
Zaporizhya 345 12% 45 44% 47 33%
Stakhanov 123 -9% 13 11% 14 19%
Total 1044 2% 139 48% 137 32%
Note: Total includes Kramatorsk Metallurgy Plant
Source: Ukrainske Novosti