23 February 2008
During 2005 the size of foreign direct investments (FDI) in Ukraine rose by 81% reaching USD 16.375 bln as of January 1, 2006. The net growth of foreign capital in 2005 amounted to USD 7.49 bln; in particular, USD 7.87 bln was invested and USD 0.37 bln was withdrawn. Concorde Capital: Despite concerns that the lack of political stability and economic slowdown in Ukraine would seriously deter foreign investments, 2005 FDI inflows posted the highest growth rate in the last 10 years. However, if we cut out the USD 4.8 bln proceeds from the Kryvorizhstal privatization (KSTL: BUY) we get about the same annual FDI flow as in any previous year. 9M05 FDI growth was 10.8% (+14.7% in 9M04) and amounted to USD 9.5 bln as of October 1, 2005.