16 March 2008
The main goal of this plan is to cut Ukraine’s energy dependence and intensity of energy use. The plan focuses the most attention on decreasing gas use, by implementing energy saving technologies and substitution for electricity use. The plan also puts emphasis on using domestic resources: nuclear fuel and coal. Concorde Capital: This new energy strategy supports our belief that government is starting to pay more attention to the promotion of electricity consumption growth, which in turn will boost demand for coal in the short- and midterm, and demand for nuclear power in the long-run. However, look for many of the minor aspects of this plan to be altered during implementation – the feasibility of some plans described in the strategy report look doubtful. However, we believe the key points of the strategy (gas consumption decrease; coal and electricity consumption growth) will be realized in the future. The fact that the strategy took five years to create (it went though five governments) guarantees the stability of its key points in the future.