2 June 2011
Khartsyzsk Pipe’s (UX: HRTR UK) production figures for 5M11 were published on Tuesday by Ukrrudprom: production rose to 247 ths mt, up 5x y-o-y. Overall, total Ukrainian pipe output rose to 917 ths mt, up 15.6% y-o-y. Dnipropetrovsk Pipe (UX: DTRZ UK) and Nyzhnyodniprovsk Pipe (UX: NITR UK) also boosted pipe output, by 39.4% y-o-y and 27.5% y-o-y, respectively.
Pipe production in Ukraine, 5M11 vs. 5M10
Company, ths mt 5M10 5M11 Chg,yoy
Khartsyzsk Pipe (HRTR) 95.4 247.0 2.6x
Nyzhnyodniprovsk Pipe (NITR) 131.8 166.8 27%
Kominmet (DMZK) 66.8 70.7 6%
Novomoskovsk Pipe (NVTR) 66.8 87.3 31%
Dnipropetrovsk Pipe (DTRZ) 33.2 46.3 39%
ММК Illicha Steel (MMKI) 95.4 19.0 -80%
Total 793.3 917.2 16%
Source: Ukrrudprom