11 January 2018
Ukraine’s State Budget was replenished by UAH 986 mln
by the sale of local bonds at an auction held by Finance Ministry on Jan. 10,
according to the ministry’s report. The government offered bonds maturing in 6,
9 and 24 months, and the bidders showed interest in buying all three types of
offered bonds. 91% of auction receipts came from the sale of 6-month bonds.
Evgeniya Akhtyrko: The
activity of primary local bond market participants turned out to be pretty high
for a traditionally uneventful first half of January.
So far, we have not observed any essential changes
in interest rates on the primary market of local bonds. The maximum interest
rate asked by auction participants did not change from the previous auction and
was 16.0%. The weighted average interest rate for the 6-month bonds was 15.97%
while the buyers of 2-year bonds were satisfied with 15.70%. The bid for the
bond maturing in October 2018 placed on previous auction on Dec. 26 was
accepted with an interest rate of 15.85%.