25 May 2020
The second phase of Ukraine’s quarantine relaxation
measures took effect on May 22, when much of intercity and intracity public
transport was renewed, and on May 25, when metro rail in the largest cities of
Kyiv and Kharkiv was renewed. Wearing masks and gloves were requirements set by
the government for riding public transport, though drivers and officials
weren’t enforcing the wearing of gloves, the pravda.com.ua news site reported
today. Metro riders were urged to maintain a distance of 1.5 meter between each
other. Metro railcars will be disinfected every three hours. Kyiv markets and
public outdoor areas were reopened as of May 25.
Six regions of Ukraine – Kyiv, Lviv, Chernivtsi,
Rivne, Volyn and Zakarpattia – are not ready to relax quarantine restrictions,
the presidential web site reported on May 23, citing a meeting for combatting
COVID-19 led by the president. “These regions don’t meet the criteria for
indicators on infection rate, occupied hospital beds and testing rates, which
would have allowed for transition to an adaptive quarantine at the current
phase,” the statement said. Ukraine’s 18 other regions were allowed to adopt
relaxations, at the discretion of local governments. This includes public
transport, children’s nurseries, hotels with the exception of indor restaurants
and pools, holding sporting events without spectators, and religious services
with no more than one participant per 10 square meters.
An estimated 259 new coronavirus infections were
reported in Ukraine on May 24, the National Security and Defense Council
(covid19.rnbo.gov.ua) reported on the morning of May 25. Six died on the same
day and 126 recoveries were confirmed. Of the 259 new cases, 43 were medical
workers. The Chernivtsi region continues to lead in new infections.
Zenon Zawada:
The greatest risks involving Ukraine’s coronavirus situation are the infection
rates in Kyiv and Kharkiv, the nation’s two most populous cities that have
largely renewed public transport, particularly metro rail. Another risk remains
high infection rates among medical workers, who are in shorter supply and
continue to protest inadequate working conditions, as was the case in Kharkiv
last week.