8 August 2008
At its meeting yesterday, the National Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) approved increase in tariffs for gas distribution and supply. The average tariff for gas distribution was raised by 46.2% to UAH 81.3/ths cm (USD 16.8/ths cm). The average tariff for gas supply was upgraded by 28.7% yoy to UAH 34/ths cm (USD 7.0/ths cm). New tariffs will come in force since September 1, 2008. According to NERC, new tariffs will allow fully covering operating costs of GasCos. Alexander Paraschiy: The increased tariffs for gas distribution and supply will raise final gas price by 13.5% for households and by 2.7% for industrial enterprises which are GasCos’ customers. According to trade union representatives, new tariffs still do not account for investment needs of GasCos in network maintenance and reconstruction – we expect another increase of tariffs to account for these components in late 2008 or early 2009.