23 March 2008
In the next two years, the plant plans to buy a cold-rolling pipe mill, a machine for high-quality refinement of pipes and non-destructive testing equipment. In addition, six worn out cold-rolling mills are to be replaced with modern machines and rolling and tandem-drawing mills are to be modernized in 2005-2006. The company is also considering the purchase of a pipe-bending machine and equipment for the production of U-bent pipes. Nikopol stainless-steel pipe plant has a 4-5% share in the world market for stainless steel pipes. There estimated worldwide market volume for stainless steel pipes is 265K-270K mt. The plant is 75%-owned by UVIS, a company allegedly related to Interpipe. The state-owned Nikopol Pivdennotrubnyi plant owns the remaining 25%-plus-one share in Nikopol stainless-steel pipe.