30 August 2008
The company’s net income in 1H05 reached USD 41.3 mln. Net revenues grew by 31% to USD 167.7 mln. This positive trend was caused by both growing world prices for ammonia and nitrogen fertilizers, and increased output by Odessa Portside: ammonia production grew by 9% in 1H05, urea ? by 3%. Concorde Capital: The privatization of one of the most attractive companies in Ukraine?s chemical industry is planned for December of this year. Nevertheless, there is high probability that it will be postponed, as the government is now considering the possibility of splitting the company?s assets and selling only the production part of the company, while leaving storing, cooling and the shipment of the ammonia coming from the Togliatti-Yuzhny pipeline (which gives the company its unique position) in state hands.